I'm going to tell you what I've done with my summer so far via pictures.
This is for all my fellow ADD comrades who need to be constantly visually stimulated to pay attention.

he is kind of the bread to my butter. oh, and he is a show bunny that placed in nationals. beat that, fellow pet owners.
this is some more evidence of how hard I work during my 8 hour shift job. I just wanted to reinforce this ideology you all have of me as being this hardworking girl~ essentially a machine, a canvas painting machine. the picture on the left is a Unicorn for my roommate Chelsea, painted in the colors of her bedroom, because I am just so nice. The second one is symbolic, and no, you don't get to know of what.
This is proof that I paint this canvasas and don't buy them from a street artist. I also wanted to show you what my desk usually looks like.

uhmmm...... truffle's "other" friend.... This is Basil. She has a twin named Aspen. I couldn't say no, they are cute little babies and they are twins, and we share the same birthday~ we will probably have a joint birthday party. Oh and they look like Siamese cats... but they are rabbits. my life is kind of awesome.
I went to visit the delightful Amy in Queen Creek, and of course doughnuts were along the way..... I lied.... they were on the way after we made a detour. The point is that you can't go through summer without a krispy kreme.
oh, and this was my partner in crime~ Mason. besties since highschool.
this is kind of how our relationship is. blurred chaos.
dress-up. I don't really feel like I need to explain how this is an element of summer. Boredom, excessive amount of cosmetics, and my 13 year old sister. Recipe for pure love and an awesome new look that will make all the other girls jealous.
I visited my parents and my long lost cat, Chloe. I'm not going to lie, I love cats. I do, even though I'm allergic to them. I love this one particularly because she is the last living relic from my childhood, she is almost upon her 14th birthday. look at how cute she is, can't you tell she loves me?
I went to my little sister's 8th grade graduation (its a big deal). Then I decided to dye some strips of my hair red. The lady was trying to explain colors to me and apparently I looked really dumb, until I told her I had never dyed my hair and all the hair dressers came over and touched my hair and freaked out. Apparently real blondes are hard to find?
I created a tree to beautify my windowless call center. I made it with love, and forced my co-worker Vance to cut out the leaves haha. I am so devious. this is me embracing my creation.
I bought a desk off of craigslist. actually.... I bought two.... I'm also a full fledged craigslist addict. anyways, the desk depicted here is over 100 years old. Once upon a time, it was a piano now it is a desk that has 2 secret compartments and it was FREE. the second desk was a used IKEA desk that is a 6ft long monster that I'm using for its functionality. pff.... and you didn't think I was logical.
I reconnected with my innerchild and discovered I can still fit in shopping carts while on a shopping trip with Chelsea and Allen at Walmart, the adult playground.
this next picture doesn't really count.... because it technically happened during the school year. HOWEVER, I feel like it is cool enough to be included in this post. if you notice that little brown spot just past this giant tortoise.... it is a rabbit... ya. I know. Who knew the Phoenix Zoo featured the tortoise and the hare? Chelsea, you are awesome for getting me in for free.

essentially this summer has been hum-drum, adulty, and non-vacationy~
but, at least I don't have to sit in a lecture hall, eh?